Saturday 10 August 2019


The Kourites are nine armed, benevolent Deities, who were the first to practice metalsmithing, bee-keeping, hunting, the taming of domestic animals and taught all these things to mortal people.They lived in Crete, on top of Mount Psiloritis. They were born fully armed, springing out of their mother, Gaia ( Earth ).
Goddess Rhea taught the art of dancing to the Kourites, who offered their services to mortals.When the Goddess hid the infant Zeus into the Idaeon Cave, she asked from the Kourites to stand guards and protect Him from his father Cronos, who wanted to devour Him.Every time the Divine Child cried, the Kourites danced fully armed in front of the cave, striking their shields with their swords, so that the Child's crying would be covered.When Zeus became King of Gods and men, the Kourites became Priests in the new world. The art of dancing was taught to people by them.
Many years later, Hera asked the Kourites to kill Epaphos, a child of Zeus from a mortal woman. The Kourites did as they were asked, but Zeus, enraged by the violent act, killed them with a thunderbolt.

One of the two Orphic Hymns dedicated to the Kourites is as follows ( English translation ) :
Leaping Curetes, who with dancing feet
And circling measures, armed footsteps beat:
Whose bosom's mad, fanatic transports fire,
Who move in rhythm to the founding lyre:
Who traces deaf when lightly leaping tread,
Arm bearers, strong defenders, rulers dread:
Propitious omens, guards of Proserpine, 
Preserving rites, mysterious and divine:
Come, and benevolent my words attend,

(In herds rejoicing), and my life defend.

Original text in Ancient Greek :
Σκιρτηταὶ Κουρῆτες, ἐνόπλια βήματα θέντες,
ποσσίκροτοι, ῥομβηταί, ὀρέστεροι, εὐαστῆρες,
κρουσιλύραι, παράρυθμοι, ἐπεμβάται ἴχνεσι κούφοι,
ὁπλοφόροι, φύλακες, κοσμήτορες, ἀγλαόφημοι,
μητρὸς ὀρειομανοῦς συνοπάονες, ὀργιοφάνται·
ἔλθοιτ' εὐμενέοντες ἐπ' εὐφήμοισι λόγοισι,

βουκόλωι εὐάντητοι ἀεὶ κεχαρηότι θυμῶι.

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