Saturday 31 August 2019


When we think of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, most of us usually think of the Olympians. However, there are other Gods and Goddesses who weren’t part of the Olympian Tradition. Pheme, the daughter of Gaia, Goddess of the earth, is one of them. According to Greek Religion, Pheme’s actions control the reputations of mortals and immortals alike. The chatty Goddess lives in a brass mansion at the top of a high mountain, where she can hear everything that happens above and below.

A sound as small as a whisper will reverberate through Her house,so that the Goddess never misses important news. When She’s not resting at home, the winged Goddess flies from place to place eavesdropping to hear the latest gossip. Pheme holds a trumpet, and each one of her feathers is adorned with an eye, a mouth and an ear.

 Zeus’s Messenger

Pheme has the important task of delivering messages for Zeus, the God of Thunder. The ancient Greeks thought so highly of Pheme that they erected an altar in Her honor at the city of Athens.She is often described as "She who initiates and furthers communication".

Vengeful Goddess

Like most Greek Goddesses, Pheme took revenge from time to time on those who displeased her. The Goddess had no qualms about lying to exact her revenge. Pheme would start by whispering a rumor about her enemy, and then she would gradually speak louder and louder. Eventually, Her lies would cause such a scandal that Her victim found his life in ruins. Perhaps, this is why the revered Greek writer, Hesiod, referred to Pheme as an “evil thing” in his epic poem, “Works and Days” of 700 BCE.

Pheme is one of those Goddesses who isn’t part of a lot of the main stories. However, She does have a place in Greek Religion which is worth learning about.


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