Thursday 26 December 2019


The following Orphic Hymn is dedicated to Dionysos, the Greek God of Ecstasy. The video is the adaptation of the Hymn by the Greek band Daemonia Nymphe. Below the video there is a translation of the Hymn in English,as well as the original text in Ancient Greek.

English Translation

I call Diónysos the loud-roarer!He, who wails in revel!    
First-Born, two-natured, thrice-born, Bacchic King,
Wild, inscrutable, cryptic, two-horned, two-shaped,
Bedecked in ivy, bull-faced, war-like, howling, holy,
Divine victim, feasted every other year, adorned with grapes, bedecked in foliage.    
He who is prudent, counselor, born upon the secret bed of Zeus and Persephone, immortal Daemon;
Listen, Happy One, to my voice! Sweetly breathe on me with gentleness, 
Be kind and grant my desire, with the aid of Your chaste Nurses!

Ancient Greek text
Κικλήσκω Διόνυσον ἐρίβρομον, εὐαστῆρα,   
πρωτόγονον, διφυῆ, τρίγονον, Βακχεῖον ἄνακτα,
ἄγριον, ἄρρητον, κρύφιον, δικέρωτα, δίμορφον,
κισσόβρυον, ταυρωπόν, ἀρήϊον, εὔϊον, ἁγνόν,
ὠμάδιον, τριετῆ, βοτρυοτρὸφον, ἐρνεσίπεπλον.   
Εὐβουλεῦ, πολύβουλε, Διὸς καὶ Περσεφονείης
ἀρρήτοις λέκτροισι τεκνωθείς, ἄμβροτε δαῖμον·
κλῦθι μάκαρ φωνῆς, ἡδὺς δ’ ἐπίπνευσον ἐνηής,
εὐμενὲς ἦτορ ἔχων, σὺν ἐυζώνοισι τιθήναις.


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