Sunday 26 December 2021


 Hekate is one of the most well-known Goddesses of the Greek Religion. A Goddess of Crossroads,Hekate is linked with witchcraft, the Underworld and at the same time She protects the household and watches over newborns. Here you can read Her Orphic Hymn, both in Ancient Greek and English.The English translation is by Adam Forrest. You will also find a video of  the band Daemonia Nymphe, who have created a lovely, shortened version of the Hymn.

Orphic Hymn To Hekatê

Hekatê of the Path, I invoke Thee, Lovely Lady of the Triple Crossroads,

Celestial, Chthonian, and Marine One, Lady of the Saffron Robe.

Sepulchral One, celebrating the Bakchic Mysteries among the Souls of the Dead,

Daughter of Persês, Lover of Solitude, rejoicing in deer.

Nocturnal One, Lady of the Dogs, invincible Queen.

She of the Cry of the Beast, Ungirt One, having an irresistible Form.

Bullherder, Keeper of the Keys of All the Universe, Mistress,

Guide, Bride, Nurturer of Youths, Mountain Wanderer.

I pray Thee, Maiden, to be present at our hallowed rites of initiation,

Always bestowing Thy graciousness upon the Boukolos*.

Boukolos,literally meaning herdsman. Ηere the term refers to a devotee of the Mysteries. )

The Hymn in Ancient Greek

Εἰνοδίην Ἑκάτην κλῄιζω, τριοδῖτιν, ἐραννήν,   1

οὐρανίην, χθονίαν τε, καὶ εἰναλίην κροκόπεπλον,

τυμβιδίην, ψυχαῖς νεκύων μέτα βακχεύουσαν,

Πέρσειαν, φιλέρημον, ἀγαλλομένην ἐλάφοισιν,

νυκτερίην, σκυλακῖτιν, ἀμαιμάκετον βασίλειαν,   5

ταυροπόλον, παντὸς κόσμου κληιδοῦχον ἄνασσαν,

ἡγεμόνην, νύμφην, κουροτρόφον, οὐρεσιφοῖτιν,

λισσόμενοις κούρην τελεταῖς ὁσίαισι παρεῖναι

βουκόλῳ εὐμενέουσαν ἀεὶ κεχαρηότι θυμῷ.

Nocturnal Hekate by Daemonia Nymphe

Sources: Hermetic Fellowship , , YouTube

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