Saturday 3 June 2023



The excavation works which are being carried out at Saraçhane Archaeology Park in Constantinople, have revealed a new artifact:  a fragment of a statue depicting Pan, the Greek God of shepherds and flocks.

In a statement by the Constantinople Metropolitan Municipality (IBB), it was reminded that excavation works have been ongoing at Saraçhane Archaeology Park, where the Church of Saint Polyeuktos is located, since June 8, 2022.

The statement mentioned that the excavation works were being conducted on the northwest side of the main structure.

"At a depth of approximately 2,60 m from the surface, within the backfill soil, a fragment of a marble statue depicting Pan, known as the God of shepherds and flocks in ancient Greek mythology, was found. The statue, measuring 20 centimeters in height and 18 centimeters in width, was identified to have a broken left arm and the lower part of the body. It is believed to date back to the Roman period, and after the expert examination, further dating will be conducted," the statement read.

"While this description gives Pan a pastoral nature due to his direct association with nature, his depiction as a half-goat, half-human figure in all myths has made him a frightening character. In fact, Pan's sudden appearance in front of people in the fields, frightening them with his image, inspired the word 'panic.' Despite being the God of shepherds, Pan is often depicted in sources as a lovable figure who roams the meadows playing the flute, contrasting with his intimidating appearance. However, in many sources, Pan is described as having the ability to scream and frighten enemies, causing panic," the statement added.

It was reported that the fragment of the Pan statue was taken by the Constantinople Archaeology Museums Directorate and transferred to the museum's storage facility.

EDITED FROM the Daily Sabah

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