Saturday 21 September 2019


In the above video, you can listen to the Orphic hymn dedicated to Goddess Artemis,sung in ancient Greek. This wonderful piece of Hellenic Religion includes the many epithets to describe the Maiden Goddess. Below, there is an English translation of the lyrics.
Performance/ Music : Dimitris Erateinos

Hear me, oh, Queen, many- named daughter of Zeus, Titanis, Bacchic, renowned, Archeress, exalted, shining on all, torch-bearer, Goddess Diktynna, Protectress of childbirth, You aid in a woman's travail while never having Yourself the pain of childbirth, freeing women from maidenhood, inspiring zeal, Huntress, driving cares away, youthful Runner, Shooter of arrows, Huntress, You roam through the night, Keeper of the chapel, gracious One, Liberator, manly One, You wail in your revels, bestowing quick childbirth, You foster the fledgling mortals, fond of the chase, Earthy, Slayer of wild beasts, Blessed, You dwell in the mountains and forests, Hunter of deer, revered, Mistress, Queen of all, Beautiful scion forever to be, haunting the forests, Protectress of dogs, Kydohnian, many-shaped,come, Goddess Deliverer, Beloved One, to all your mystics. Be accessible, bring us the splendid fruits of the earth, lovely peace, beautiful locks of hair and health; Drive away disease and pain to the mountains. 

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