Saturday 21 September 2019


The following video presents the Orphic Hymn to Goddess Athena. The hymn is recited in the original ancient Greek text.

The English translation is as follows , by Thomas Taylor :

Only- begotten, noble race of Jove,
Blessed and fierce, who joyest in caves to rove; Oh, warlike Pallas, whose illustrious kind, ineffable and effable we find: Magnanimous and famed, the rocky height, and groves, and shady mountains Thee delight ; In arms rejoicing, who with Furies dire and wild, the souls of mortals dost inspire. Gymnastic Virgin of terrific mind,Dire Gorgon's bane, unmarried, blessed, kind, Mother of Arts, impetuous; understood, Rage to the wicked, Wisdom to the good :
Female and male, the Arts of War are Thine, Fanatic, much-formed Dragoness, Divine :Over the Phlegrean giants, roused to ire, Thy coursers driving , with destruction dire. Sprung from the head of Jove, of splendid mien, Purger of evils, all-victorious Queen. Hear me, Oh Goddess, when to Thee I pray, with supplicating voice both night and day , and in my latest hour, give peace and health, propitious times, and necessary wealth, and, ever-present, be thy votaries aid, Oh, much implored, Art's Parent, blue-eyed Maid. 

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