Tuesday 30 April 2019


The ancient history of the Greeks in Uzbekistan is associated with the occurrence of Alexander the Great in the East. But with the entry of southern regions of the country in the state of the Seleucids, Greco-Bactrian and the Kushan Empire, a new artistic culture arose—the Eastern Hellenism, the synthesis of Hellenistic and local traditions.
However, the history of the Greeks living in Uzbekistan is stipulated by the events of the Second World War and first post-war years. The sons of ancient Hellas arrived in Uzbekistan and fought against fascism for the freedom of its people, and in 1964 in they created the Tashkent City Association of Greek Political Refugees. By the decision of Diaspora on March 4, 1997 it was reorganized to the Tashkent City Association of Greek Culture. Since then and until now—as the testament of fathers and grandfathers—within the bounds of the association of culture, the relay race on preservation of native language and traditions is continued.
Today, in the building of the Cultural Center, built in the 1960s by the collective method of khashar, one can find different clubs:the club of Greek language, which is popular among people of different nationalities and of all ages; the club of  bouzouki and guitar; the club of traditional Greek cuisine; the club of drawing. Moreover. there is also the dancing ensemble 'Sirtaki',with the support of the master of painting of Uzbekistan Janis Salpinkidi and his pupils. Its repertoire includes both many Greek folk dances—sirtaki, Kalamantianos, kochari, zeimbekiko, as well as dances from other countries, including  Uzbekistan; dances from all the regions of the country are taught here. International team “Sirtaki”, the laureate of the republican festival of friendship and culture “Uzbekistan is our common home”, is the indispensable participant of all state and national holidays.
The traditions of the association include joint celebration of Independence Day of Uzbekistan and Greece, the Day of “Okhi!”—Greek “No!” to fascism, the orthodox Easter and Christmas with other national cultural centers.
Regular meetings with the elders of the Diaspora have become a  special event. They share the memories of their glorious past labor: the development of the Hungry steppe, the construction of the stadium “Pahtakor”, housing estate Chilanzar, and other objects. The Greeks of the Diaspora are proud of the high appreciation shown for their creative work by the Uzbek people, and they are thankful for the hospitality and brotherly help.

The inspired work of the Tashkent Greek Culture Association, popularly called as the Club of fiery hearts of the descendants of the Hellenes, the heart and soul of all the Uzbekistan Greeks is a good example of careful conservation of cultural heritage of the diaspora in Uzbekistan.
Source ~ http://interkomitet.uz

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