Thursday, 20 June 2019


The Ancient Greeks called the weekdays ' Days of the Gods.' They named each day after the Sun ,the Moon, and five of the Gods. Romans imitated them, and Germans also kept to the same path ,by naming their days after their own gods. This tradition has been maintained until today in most Western countries, a large number of nations worldwide have named their days after the names of planets, which of course are the names of the Hellenic Gods.

The Day of  Apollo

In Greece, Sunday- Ημέρα Ηλίου- was named after the Sun, which was linked to Apollo. Apollo is the God of Light and Sun, the One who brings forth inspiration, warmth and life.

In Latin, this day was called 'dies solis'- the day of the Sun.
In Middle English, it was called 'Sone(n)day', with the same meaning respectively.

The Day of Artemis

Modern-day Monday was called Day of Selene (Ημέρα Σελήνης ). Selene is an ancient lunar Goddess, who became identified with Goddess Artemis. Artemis is the twin Sister of Apollo- as He governs the Sun, She governs the Moon. Artemis is a Protector of forests, Goddess of hunting, and at the same time, she protects women and children. The moon has always been associated with the female energy, and Artemis ,as a major Feminine force, is its Goddess. 

In Latin, the day was called the same- 'dies lunae ' ( day of the moon) and Old English kept the same meaning in 'mon ( an ) doeg'. 

In modern French, this day is 'Lundi', also meaning the Day of the Moon. The same goes for Italian, where the day is called 'Lunedi'.

The Day of Ares

Ancient Greeks had dedicated the third day of the week - Ημέρα Άρεως- to God Ares. Ares is the God of war and insatiable battle, son of Zeus and Hera. Warfare had always been important in Ancient Greece, therefore it was normal for a day to be dedicated to the Immortal Warlord Ares. 

In Latin, this day was called 'dies Martis'- the Day of Mars, the Roman God of War, who is basically Ares himself.

In Middle English, this day had the -familiar- name of 'Tewesday',after the English / Germanic war God Twia.

The French kept the Latin name of Ares for this day, calling it 'Mardi', along with the Italians, who call it 'Martedi'.

The Day of Hermes 

Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, was greatly honoured in Ancient Greece. Apart from being the mediator between Gods and mortals, he is a Psychopomp and the Protector of commerce. He is the One who offers abundance and  prosperity and He looks after travellers and shepherds. The fourth day of the week- Ημέρα Ερμού - was dedicated to Him. 

In Latin, this day was called 'dies Mercurii'- Day of Mercury. 
In Middle English, it was called 'Wodnesday', after the Anglosaxon/Teutonic God Woden. 

The French name of this day is almost the same - 'Mercredi',along with the Italians, who call it 'Mercoledi '.

The Day of Zeus 

The Father and Leader of the Greek Gods, had His own day of the week. This fifth day was called Ημέρα Διός (Zeus Day). Zeus is probably the most famous of the Hellenic Pantheon. He delivers justice, He is the Bringer of storms and the Ruler of the Winds. 

In Latin, the day was called 'dies Jovis'- the day of Jupiter. 
In Middle English, it was called 'Thor's Day', after the Norse God of thunder.

The French call this day after Zeus' name as well- ' Jeudi'. In Italian the meaning is the same  in 'Giovedi'.

The Day of Aphrodite 

In Ancient Greece, the sixth day of the week - Ημέρα Αφροδίτης- was dedicated to one of the most beloved Goddesses in human history; Aphrodite. Goddess of love and femininity, Aphrodite represents the most noble of emotions, not only in terms of carnal pleasure, as most people think, but also in terms of the highest spiritual love.

In Latin, the day was called 'dies Veneris'- day of Venus.
In Middle English, it was called 'Fridai', after the Teutonic Goddess Freya, who is the Goddess of love, beauty and procreation.

In French, the beautiful Goddess is also honoured- the name of the day is ' Vendredi', alongside with the Italian language, where the day is called 'Venerdi'.

The Day of Cronos 

The seventh day of the ancient Greek week was called Hμέρα Κρόνου. It was dedicated to Cronos, a Titan who fathered Zeus, Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. He ruled the world during the Golden Age, where people had reached their finest potential. Cronos was determined to maintain power, so he had devoured all his children his wife Rhea had given him, apart from Zeus. His mother rescued Him and hid Him to the island of Crete, from where He emerged powerful enough to dethrone His Titan Father and bring His siblings back to the world. Cronos represents time, and all the changes, positive and negative that it brings about.

In Latin, this day was called 'dies Saturni'- day of Saturn. Saturn is the Roman name of Cronos. 
In Middle English, it was called 'Saterday',after the same Roman God. 


A book on the history of  Greeks  in the Gulf For those who wish to read it, it's available here in pdf form for free.  Click on this li...