Monday 6 May 2019


Sibyrtius ( Greek: Σιβύρτιος) who lived 4th century BCE,was a Greek officer from Crete, in the service of Alexander the Great. He was the satrap of Arachosia and Gedrosia shortly after the death of Alexander, until about 303 BCE.

After serving in Alexander's army for a number of years, Sibyrtius was appointed by Alexander, on his return from India (326 BCE), governor of the province of Carmania. Shortly after, Sibyrtius exchanged this post for the more important satrapy of Arachosia and Gedrosia, to which he succeeded on the death of Thoas.

Following the death of Alexander in 323 BCE, Sibyrtius, in common with most of the other governors of the remote eastern provinces, retained possession of his satrapy, which was again confirmed to him in the second partition at Triparadisus in 321 BCE.

In the subsequent divisions involving the eastern satraps, Sibyrtius was one of those who supported Peucestas against Peithon and Seleucus, and afterwards accompanied Peucestas when he joined Eumenes in Susiana in 317 BCE. His attachment was to Peucestas and not to Eumenes, and in Peucestas' subsequent intrigues against his commander-in-chief, Sibyrtius supported him so strongly that he incurred Eumenes' strong resentment, who threatened to bring him to trial; a fate from which he only escaped by a hasty flight.

Sibyrtius' open rupture with Eumenes had the advantage of securing him the favour of Antigonus, who, after the defeat of his rival, confirmed Sibyrtius in his satrapy, and placed under his command a large part of the select body of troops termed Argyraspides. Antigonus adopted this measure with the ostensible object of guarding the Eastern provinces against the neighbouring Indians, but in reality Antigonus has in mind the gradual destruction of the Argyraspides themselves, whose turbulent and disaffected spirit was well known.

According to Arrian, Megasthenes lived in Arachosia at the court of Sibyrtius, and travelled as an ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya in Pataliputra.
Arrian mentions that Megasthenes, the historian and ambassador of Seleucus to India after his 303 BCE treaty with Chandragupta, lived with Sibyrtius, suggesting the latter may have remained at his post as satrap for quite a long time: 
"Megasthenes lived with Sibyrtius, satrap of Arachosia, and often speaks of his visiting Sandracottus, the king of the Indians."

SOURCE: Wikipedia


The Olympic Games were born in Ancient Greece, at the sacred site of Olympia, in 776 BCE. The Games, created by Heracles in honour of the Fa...