Wednesday 24 July 2019


There are many elements of ancient world history that are unknown to most of us, because information has been lost or has been intentionally hidden from us. According to some historians, less than 5% of all ancient Greek writings survives and is available to us. We can assume that there are sides of the ancient Greek civilization that we are not aware of.

Professor Nors S. Josephon, provides us with an 8- year long linguistic study which proves the connection between ancient Greeks and a number of Polynesian civilizations. Josephson traveled to Polynesia and gathered many dictionaries and word lists of Polynesian languages, as he was curious to discover why local languages include words of non-Polynesian origin.

According to Josephson, the Greeks who colonized  eastern Polynesia, probably originated from what is modern Peru and Bolivia, as the culture of Easter Islands has had numerous similarities to those areas during the pre-Incan era. These Greek-speaking inhabitants were speaking ancient Greek, and also brought an ancient Greek culture, which is reminiscent of Cyprus and the Cyclades islands, including Naxos and Melos over the same period.

In his book “Greek Lingustics in the Polynesian Languages (Hellenicum Pacificum)” the professor provides solid proof of a connection between ancient Greeks and Polynesian civilizations. Josephson studied a number of Polynesian languages and was able to find concordances with Greek in the following languages (listed in descending order from “highest” to “lowest” total of concordances):

El: Easter Island
Ma: Maori
Mo: Moriori
Hw: Hawaii
Tu: Tuamotus
Rp: Rapa Iti
Th: Tahiti
Ra: Rarotonga
Mg: Mangaia
Mv: Mangareva
Mq: Marquesas
Sa: Samoa
To: Tonga

Some Greek words and their Polynesian derivatives and meanings from Josephson’s study:

ΑΕΤΟΣ (pronounced aetos; meaning=eagle)

Th: aeto; eagle
Rt: aeto; vulture
Sa: áeto, eagle

ΑΠΟ (pronounced apó; meaning= from, (of time) from, after, from (this point) onwards, beyond (the time))

El: apó; tomorrow
Ma: apopo; tomorrow, at some future time
Mo: apo; tomorrow
Hw: ápopo; tomorrow
Th: apopo; tomorrow
Ra: apopo; tomorrow
Mv: aponei; this evening
apopo; tomorrow
Mq: apopo; later, afterwards
To: abo; tonight

ΑΡΟΤΡΙΑΩ (pronounced arotriáo; meaning= to plough)
ΑΡΟΤΗΡ (pronounced arotír; meaning= plougher)

El: aróte; to plough
Th: árote; to plough
Ra: arote, to plough, cultivate, turn over the soil
Mv: aratoro, a plough

ΓΕΝΝΑΩ (pronounced ghenáo; meaning= to bring forth and give birth, bear)

El: hanáu, to be born, give birth
henúa; placenta
Ma: whánau; to be born
whenua; placenta
Hw: hánau; to give birh
Tu: hánau; to bear; give birth to
henúa; female body, placenta
Th: fanau; to be born
Ra: anau; to bear, give birth to, beget
Mv: hanáu; to be born
Mq: hanau; to be born
Sa: fánau; to be born
To: fanau; to have a child

ΔΕΚΑ (pronounced theka; meaning= ten)

Ma: tekau, ten
Tu: tekau, ten pairs
Th: ta au, twenty, ten pairs
Ra: takau; twenty
Mv: takau, ten
Mq: tekau, twenty
To: tekau, number, score, twenty

ΔΟΚΟΣ (pronounced thokos; meaning= bearing, beam, main-beam, any balk or beam, firewood)

El: toko-toko, stick, cane
Ma: toko, pole, rod, stilt
toko-toko, staff, door post
Mo: totoko, staff
Hw: koo, a prop, brace for holding anything up
Tu: toko, a prop, pole, staff, branch
Th: to’o, perch, pole used to manoeuvre a canoe
Ra: toko, pole or rake used for propelling
Mv: toko, pole of a raft, tressel, stilts
Mq: toko, prop, platform
Sa: to’o, punting pole, house post, a stand supporting the perch of a pigeon
To: toko, pole, long rod used for pushing canoes through the water

These few linguistic similarities and hundreds more cannot be a coincidence. Ancient Greeks had the technology to travel to faraway places. We have records and proof that they travelled to North and South America, India and China, Africa and the North of Europe (including Scandinavia). There is nothing that could have stopped the Greeks from taking a step further, in order to develop trade and cultural relationships with indigenous populations and colonise and migrate  Polynesia.

This is exciting information. Why are these elements of world history demonstrating the common origins of civilizations not common knowledge and taught at schools around the world?


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