Sunday 22 September 2019


The Horae or Hours are the Goddesses of the seasons in Greek Religion. They are also Goddesses of order and justice, as well as the wardens at the gates of Mount Olympus. They are the daughters of either Zeus and Aphrodite , or Zeus and Themis. Two groups of Horae are mentioned.
The first group is associated with Aprodite and Zeus, and is linked to the classical three seasons of the year; Thallo (the bringer of blossoms) is the Goddess of spring and blooming, protecting young people; Auxo (the increaser of plants); and Carpo (the bringer of food) aare linked to autumn, ripening and harvesting. The latter is also the main Guardian of the path that leads to Mount Olympus and the One who conceals it behind the clouds.
The second group, linked to Themis and Zeus, is closely associated with law and order. The three Horae in this case are Dike, Goddess of moral justice; Eunomia, Goddess of order and governing according to good laws; and Eirene, Goddess of peace and wealth, who is depicted carrying a cornucopia, scepter and a torch.
The Orphic Hymn below refers to the 2nd group of Horae- translation in English and a Youtube video with reciting in Greek : 

Daughters of Zeus and Themis, seasons bright,
Justice [Dike], and blessed Peace [Eirene], and lawful Right [Eunomia],
Vernal and grassy, vivid, holy pow'rs, whose balmy breath exhales in lovely flow'rs
All-colour'd seasons, rich increase your care, circling, for ever flourishing and fair:
Invested with a veil of shining dew, a flow'ry veil delightful to the view:
Attending Persephone, when back from night,
the Fates [Moirai] and Graces [Kharites] Lead her up to light;
When in a band-harmonious they advance, and joyful round her, form the solemn dance:
With Ceres [Meter] triumphing, and Jove [Zeus] divine; propitious come, and on our incense shine;
Give earth a blameless store of fruits to bear, and make a novel mystic's life your care.

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