Friday 17 April 2020


The following video presents the Orphic Hymn to Hermes, the Greek God of communication, travelling and commerce ( for more information on Hermes, click HERE ) . Hermes is a God who constantly travels between the human and the Divine realms, delivering messages of the Gods and assisting mortals in various ways. Below the video there are the lyrics of the Hymn in both English and Ancient Greek.

Video created by : Sitalkas Vasilis 

Lyrics in English 
Hear me, Hermes, Messenger of Zeus, Son of Maia!   1
Your heart is invincible! ...Master of competitions, Ruler of mortals,
Oh Joyful, Wily One, Guide, Slayer of Árgos.
You with the winged sandals, Friend of mankind, Divine Revealer of the language of mortals;
You rejoice in gymnastic training, and in skillful deceit, oh Priestly one.   
Interpreter of everything, Conductor of trade, You drive our troubles away;
You hold in Your hands the means to obtain perfect peace;
Kohrykian, Happy one, Luck-Bringing, Skilled Rhetorician,
You are an aide in our labors, a Friend of mortals in need;
Brandishing the terrible weapon of speech, awesome to mankind;   
Hear our prayers, bestow upon us a life which concludes well,
With adequate means of livelihood, favorable words, and long memory.

Lyrics in Ancient Greek
Κλῦθί μευ, Ἑρμεία, Διὸς ἄγγελε, Μαιάδος υἱέ,   
παγκρατὲς ἦτορ ἔχων, ἐναγώνιε, κοίρανε θνητῶν,
εὔφρων, ποικιλόβουλε, διάκτορος, Ἀργειφόντα,
πτηνοπέδιλε, φίλανδρε, λόγου θνητοῖσι προφῆτα·
γυμνάσιν ὃς χαίρεις, δολίαις τ’ ἀπάταις, (στρ)οφιοῦχε*·   
ἑρμηνεῦ πάντων, κερδέμπορε, λυσιμέριμνε·
ὃς χείρεσσιν ἔχεις εἰρήνης ὅπλον ἀμεμφές·
Κωρυκιῶτα, μάκαρ, ἐριούνιε, ποικιλόμυθε,
ἐργασίαις ἐπαρωγέ, φίλε θνητοῖς ἐν ἀνάγκαις·
γλώσσης δεινὸν ὅπλον, τὸ σεβάσμιον ἀνθρώποισιν·   
κλῦθί μευ εὐχομένου, βιότου τέλος ἐσθλὸν ὀπάζων,
ἐργασίῃσι, λόγου χάρισιν, καὶ μνημοσύνῃσιν.

Sources : Youtube, HellenicGods 

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