Monday, 23 December 2024


 Hund is the oldest city in the Swabi district, located on the right bank of the Indus River. It has a rich history and has experienced different eras such as the Gandhara civilization, the Hindu Shahi dynasty, and the Muslim period. Alexander the Great passed by this place in 327 BCE and spent a night in the village before entering the Indian plains. 

Arrian, the second century CE military historian, records in Anabasis that Alexander and his conquering army of 50,000 men and all their animals crossed the Indus at Hund on a bridge of boats specially built for them by Alexander's commander, Hephaestion, in 326 BCE. When he arrived at the river, Alexander made animal sacrifices and held athletic games and a horse show. The omens proved favourable, so the army crossed. More sacrifices of thanksgiving were made on the other side, where King Ambhi of Taxila was waiting to surrender to Alexander. And so Alexander entered India. A Corinthian column, an example of Greek architecture, was recently added to the Hund museum to symbolize the presence of Alexander the Great.

Today Hund is a humble, run-down village, beautifully situated on the bank of the Indus and the passage of Alexander the Great has never been forgotten there.

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