Sunday 20 August 2023


In the ancient local traditions there is mention of one Abhisara named king of Poonch and Nowshera, who is believed to have held Jammu and Kashmir during the times of Alexander the Great.

He is recorded to have surrendered to Alexander and then Porus was appointed in charge of the whole area which Alexander had conquered. The area lay between the Beas and the Jhelum. The King of Texila, Ambhi was given the territories west of Jhelum while Abhisara’s authority was extended up to Kashmir.

We don't have many details available about king Abhisara . In fact, he is being mentioned in classical history literatures, but his authority over Kashmir is not testified by any other source. However, Alexander’s numismatic finds in Jammu and Kashmir provide certain clues of his campaign of the areas bordering Jammu and Kashmir and the possibility of his visit of the land which since times immemorial was attractive for its visitors.

In fact, there are several ancient events and evidence related with several ancient Greek Kings found in Jammu and Kashmir. Abhishara is recorded to have been the king of Nowshera and Poonch when Alexander invaded the empire of Porus. There are several villages and towns of Jammu and Kashmir which have Greek origin. The historic town of Menander in the same District is believed and to have been founded in the name of Menendra, the most famous Indo-Greek King who had his capital at Sangla in present-day Sailkote which is only few kilometers from R.S. Pura Jammu. There is a lot of numismatic and historical evidence about Menander in Jammu and Kashmir. Demetrious and Menandra are recorded to have enjoyed their political authority on the lands which included parts south of Kashmir as well.

The stone ruins  and the basement of some stone structures are found scattered on a plateau at Sakhi Madian Village of Mender. While there are possibilities of finding of some more evidence related to King Menander, the site is yet to undergo any scientific exploration- so nothing can be said in advance. However, in the local folklore, there are various interesting stories related with this site. As far as its surface evidence is concerned, there are remains of some built structures under its debris.

One more interesting story of ancient Greeks is related with Baffaliyaz, a small town of the district Poonch, which is situated on the historic Mughal road. An interesting  story  about this place states that it is the place where the Alexander lost his cherished horse, Bucephalus, during his expeditions towards Indian subcontinent.

Most of the people are well aware of Alexander the Great. He is well mentioned in the folk traditions of Jammu and Kashmir and is here known by the name of Sikinder Azam. His one of the battles which he fought with Raja Porus is also very much popular among the local story tellers. There are also various Persian literary works about Alexander. These works are titled as Sikander Nama and such works are housed in various museums, archival repositories and libraries of Jammu and Kashmir.

There is one such well preserved manuscript of Sikander Nama housed in Dogra Art Museum at Jammu. This manuscript gives us a detailed description of adventures which he went on, towards east and west.

Besides, coins of Alexander have also been found in Jammu and Kashmir and few of the ancient Macedonian coins are also housed in the numismatic collection at SPS Museum Srinagar.

One of the interesting pieces of coin depicting the battle scene of Alexander and Porus is also preserved in the numismatic collections of the British Museum.

Historically speaking, Sikander Azam is known by the name of the Alexander the Great, and plenty of historical accounts are available, which tell us the story of Indian expeditions of this Macedonian king.

An oral tradition preserved here states that the battle between Alexander and Porus took place somewhere near the olden town of Poonch. Several Kashmiri scholars identify a village in Poonch District of the Jammu and Kashmir called Baffaliyaz, located in the lap of Pirpanchal as the place named after the beloved horse of Alexander. They cliam Baffaliyaz as the corrupt form of Buccaphalus. Mohammad Yousuf Taing, the eminent historian and author in one of his articles published in Kashmiri Shiraza has claimed that Baffaliyaz is the corrupt form of Buccaphalus. And it is the place where Sikinder lost his cherished horse named Bucephalus during a fight with Porus. In fact Alexander was encountered by Porus in Dravabhisar in the lower belt of the River Jhelum. The area has been identified as that of Poonch region. We cannot be absolutely certain about the credibility of this story. But if Baffailyaz is named after the name of Buccaphalus then the fight may have taken place somewhere near Poonch, which is one of the olden towns of the Jammu and Kashmir and mentioned in the olden indigenous and foreign records as well.

Indian traditions record that Porus was one of many local kings who impressed Alexander. He was asked by Alexander how he wished to be treated. “Treat me, Alexander, the way a King treats another King”, Porus responded.

Alexander was very much excited by his brave reply and instead of bringing any kind of harm to him; he rewarded him by granting more empires to him. He later founded Alexandria Nikaia (Victory), located at the battle site, to commemorate his triumph. He also founded Bucephalus on the opposite bank of the river in memory of his much-cherished horse, Bucephalus, who carried Alexander through the Indian subcontinent and died heroically during the Battle of Hydaspes (Jhelum). The local scholars have been identifying Baffaliyaz with Buceaphalus , the site fist founded by Alexander in the name of his horse.

The Menender and Baffaliyaz are two most famous sites traditionally related with ancient Greeks, but so far no archaeological expeditions have taken place. The Archaeology Department and Jammu University shall under take archaeological exploration of this valley.

However, it is worth noting that  there are reports that ancient Greek evidence have been found in Jammu. Dr. Michael Matcher, in his monumental numismatic book classical world has attributed several Greek coins to Jammu and Kashmir section of his book. He has claimed that these coins have come from Jammu region. Besides it is also presumed that Jammu has been included into the Indo -Greek empire during the rule of king Menandra, who is known to have set up his capital at Sangla present day Sailkote.

Edited by article of  Iqbal Ahmad

1 comment:

  1. The Kingdom of Bari Ser and Abhi Ser as recorded by Alexander’s historian, Arrin and also by Chinese traveler was just 50 miles from Taxila where River Sohan flows.



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